Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, the lead actors of the highly anticipated movie Game Changer, will appear on Salman Khan’s popular reality show, Bigg Boss 18, to promote their upcoming film. The star-studded episode will be part of this week’s Weekend Ka Vaar and is set to air on January 5, 2025.
Exciting Line-Up of Celebrities
The duo will interact with the housemates and discuss their movie, adding a dose of entertainment to the drama-filled reality show. Additionally, Sonu Sood, who is promoting his directorial debut Fateh, will join Salman Khan in another segment of the weekend episodes.
- Game Changer and Fateh are both scheduled for release on January 10, 2025.
- Sonu Sood will appear on Saturday’s episode, bringing additional excitement to the show.
Bigg Boss 18 Nears Finale
As Bigg Boss 18 approaches its finale on January 19, 2025, the show continues to dominate discussions on social media. Fans are eagerly debating the top contenders, which include Karan Veer Mehra, Vivian Dsena, and Avinash Mishra. The presence of high-profile guests like Ram Charan, Kiara Advani, and Sonu Sood is expected to further boost the show’s already soaring popularity.
About the Stars
- Ram Charan and Kiara Advani:
Both stars have been busy promoting Game Changer, a film packed with action, drama, and high expectations. - Sonu Sood:
Known for his philanthropic efforts, Sonu is now venturing into direction with Fateh, a movie that promises intense action and a gripping storyline. - Salman Khan:
The host recently celebrated his 59th birthday and teased his fans with a glimpse of his upcoming movie Sikandar, set for an Eid release in 2025.
Bigg Boss 18 Continues to Entertain
With emotional moments, controversies, and unexpected alliances, Bigg Boss 18 has kept audiences hooked since it premiered in October 2024. The family week, recent confrontations, and now celebrity appearances promise to keep the entertainment quotient high as the show heads toward its finale. Fans are eagerly waiting to see how these special episodes unfold!