In a heart-wrenching incident early Saturday morning, a fatal car accident in Mumbai’s Kandivali area claimed the life of a Metro rail worker and left another critically injured. The car, driven by Marathi actress Urmila Kothare, reportedly lost control and struck the workers who were engaged in construction work under the Poinsar Metro station.
Details of the Incident
The accident occurred shortly after midnight as Urmila Kothare was returning home after completing a film shoot. According to officials from the Samta Nagar Police Station, Kothare’s speeding car collided with two laborers working on the Metro project. Tragically, one of the workers succumbed to his injuries on the spot, while the other was critically injured and rushed to the hospital.
Urmila Kothare and her driver also sustained injuries in the collision, though they were reportedly saved from severe harm due to the timely deployment of the car’s airbags.
Police Investigation
A case has been registered against the driver, and an investigation is currently underway. The Samta Nagar police are examining the circumstances leading to the accident to determine if any negligence was involved.
Public Reaction and Aftermath
The tragic death of the Metro worker has evoked an outpouring of sympathy for the victim’s family. Meanwhile, fans and well-wishers have extended their support to Urmila Kothare, hoping for her swift recovery.
About Urmila Kothare
Urmila Kothare is a prominent Marathi actress known for her roles in films such as Duniyadari and the Bollywood film Thank God. She is married to actor-director Addinath Kothare and is the daughter-in-law of acclaimed filmmaker Mahesh Kothare.
Further Developments
The investigation is ongoing, with the police awaiting more information on the cause of the accident. Updates on the condition of the critically injured Metro worker and Kothare’s driver are also expected soon.
This tragic accident has raised concerns about road safety and highlighted the vulnerabilities faced by roadside workers during late-night hours. Fans and the public alike are hoping for justice for the victims and a resolution to the case.