A tragic incident unfolded at the Kannauj railway station in Uttar Pradesh when an under-construction lintel collapsed, trapping several workers under the debris. The accident occurred during the construction of a new terminal at the station. Authorities have confirmed the rescue of 23 workers, with ongoing efforts to locate and assist those still trapped.
Casualty Update and Rescue Efforts
Uttar Pradesh Minister Asim Arun provided details about the situation, stating that 23 workers had been rescued. Of these, 20 sustained minor injuries and are receiving treatment, while three individuals with serious injuries have been referred to Lucknow for advanced medical care. Minister Arun emphasized that rescue operations are still in progress, as more workers are feared to be trapped.
Jogendra Kumar, Inspector General of Kanpur Range, assured the media that all rescued laborers are currently safe and receiving necessary medical attention. He added, “No deaths have been reported as of now.”
Authorities Mobilize Relief Efforts
District Magistrate Shubhrant Kumar Shukla arrived on the scene with senior officials to oversee the rescue operation. “Preliminary information suggests the incident occurred due to the collapse of the under-construction roof shuttering,” he stated. The DM also highlighted that their primary focus is on the swift rescue of the trapped workers, with all available resources being deployed for the operation.
The workers involved in the mishap were reportedly engaged in beautification and development work at the railway station when the structure gave way.
Chief Minister’s Response
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken cognizance of the incident and directed officials to expedite rescue and relief efforts. The CM also emphasized the importance of ensuring proper medical treatment for the injured and expressed his wishes for their speedy recovery.
Emergency Response Teams in Action
Emergency teams, including police and administrative personnel, are actively engaged at the site. Specialized equipment and manpower are being utilized to remove debris and ensure the safety of those trapped.
Preliminary Observations
Initial reports suggest that structural instability during the roof construction may have caused the collapse. Authorities have indicated that a detailed investigation will follow to determine the exact cause of the incident and whether any lapses in safety protocols contributed to the mishap.
The lintel collapse at Kannauj railway station highlights the critical importance of adhering to stringent construction and safety standards. While rescue operations continue, the focus remains on minimizing casualties and providing comprehensive medical care to the injured. The incident has raised questions about construction safety practices, with calls for accountability and preventive measures to avoid similar occurrences in the future.