Salman Khan’s popular reality show, ‘Bigg Boss 18,’ is nearing its finale, and the competition among the contestants is at its peak. One of the standout members this season is Chum Darang, who hails from Arunachal Pradesh. Although she secured a spot as a contender for the “Ticket to Finale,” she couldn’t claim the victory. However, her journey has garnered significant attention and support, including from Arunachal Pradesh’s Chief Minister, Pema Khandu.
CM Pema Khandu’s Appeal to Support Chum
In a show of solidarity and pride, CM Pema Khandu took to social media to urge citizens to vote for Chum. On X (formerly Twitter), he wrote:
“I am happy to learn that Chum Darang, daughter of Arunachal Pradesh from Pasighat, has reached among the top 9 of the reality show #BiggBoss18. Show your solidarity with her, and don’t forget to vote for Chum. I am hopeful that she will be a winner and achieve many milestones in the years to come. My best wishes to Chum Darang.”
This endorsement from the Chief Minister highlights the pride and admiration Chum has brought to her state and the entire North-East region through her performance and personality in the Bigg Boss house.
Chum’s Team Thanks the CM
Chum Darang’s team expressed their gratitude to CM Pema Khandu through Instagram. Sharing a screenshot of his tweet, they wrote:
“To the Honourable Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh @pemakhandu_bjp Sir, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for your unwavering support for Chum Darang. Her exceptional journey in the Bigg Boss house has made every Arunachali and the whole of North East India immensely proud. Her achievements and the values she represents on such a prestigious platform have not only highlighted the talent of our state but have also brought it into the global spotlight.”
Chum Darang’s Journey in Bigg Boss 18
- Fearless Competitor: Chum’s approach during tasks has been praised by fans and housemates alike, with many acknowledging her courage and determination.
- Cultural Representation: As a proud representative of Arunachal Pradesh and the North-East, Chum has used the platform to showcase her heritage and values, winning hearts across the country.
- Fan Support: From celebrities to her fans, many have rallied behind her, making her one of the most talked-about contestants in this season.
Bigg Boss 18 Finale Approaches
With Vivian Dsena, Karan Veer Mehra, Avinash Mishra, and others fiercely competing for the title, the finale of Bigg Boss 18 promises to be an intense battle. While fans continue to support their favorites, the overwhelming endorsement from Arunachal Pradesh’s Chief Minister adds a unique and inspiring dimension to Chum Darang’s journey.
Stay tuned for the grand finale of Bigg Boss 18 and find out who takes home the coveted title.