The Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) has announced a record number of 21,904 buses to manage the surge in travel demand during the Pongal 2025 festival. Transport Minister S.S. Sivasankar stated that 14,104 of these buses would depart from Chennai between January 10 and 13, aiming to serve over eight lakh passengers heading to their hometowns. This initiative marks a 25% increase in buses compared to last year, ensuring smoother travel during the festive period.
Unlike previous years, passengers must use specific termini for boarding:
To address congestion caused by private vehicles and omnibuses, the following measures are in place:
The government has warned private operators against overcharging passengers:
The Tamil Nadu government’s comprehensive arrangements aim to ensure smooth and affordable travel for the Pongal festival. With increased buses, dedicated boarding points, and measures to curb excessive private operator fares, passengers can expect better travel experiences this year. The focus on traffic management and passenger convenience reflects the state’s commitment to celebrating the festival with ease and joy.
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