In an unusual and tragic accidents, a 52-year-old woman lost her life in Kundrathur, Kancheepuram, after a stray cow collided with the two-wheeler she was riding pillion on, late Wednesday evening. The police have arrested the driver of a horse-drawn cart that startled the cow, while a search is underway for the cow’s owner.
Details of the Incident
According to police reports, Singari (52), a resident of SKS Avenue in Nandambakkam, was returning home with her son, Sivaraman (24), after buying household essentials. The duo was riding their bike along Nandambakkam road near Kaletti Pettai when a stray cow suddenly ran across their path. Unable to avoid the animal, the bike collided with it, throwing both riders to the ground.
- Singari sustained a severe head injury and died on the spot.
- Her son, Sivaraman, suffered minor injuries.
The Chromepet Traffic Investigation Wing police arrived at the scene and moved Singari’s body to the Chromepet Government Hospital for a post-mortem examination.
Investigation Findings
Initial investigations revealed that the cow was startled by the loud noise of a passing horse-drawn cart, which caused it to bolt onto the road. The incident led to the fatal collision.
- The police arrested Venkatraman (41), the cart driver from Pudupettai near Somangalam.
- However, the cow fled the scene, prompting police to search for its owner.
Local Outcry Over Stray Cattle Menace
Residents have raised concerns over the increasing stray cattle menace in the area. They allege that despite filing repeated complaints, local authorities have failed to take any action.
One local remarked:
“This incident could have been avoided if proper steps were taken to address the stray cattle issue. It’s a constant threat to public safety.”
Next Steps
The police are continuing their investigation to identify and hold the cow’s owner accountable. This incident highlights the urgent need for local authorities to address the growing problem of stray animals on roads, which poses a significant risk to commuters.