In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 18, tensions escalated as Chaahat Pandey’s mother, Bhawna Pandey, entered the house during the family week and confronted Avinash Mishra over derogatory remarks he made about Chaahat. The incident has left Avinash worried about facing potential legal action once he exits the house.
Chaahat’s Mother Confronts Avinash
Bhawna Pandey did not hold back when she confronted Avinash. Referring to his comment that Chaahat wanted to see him shirtless, she expressed her disappointment and shared how deeply the remark had hurt her family. She emphasized, “In our village, such comments are disrespectful and subject to ridicule.”
Bhawna further mentioned that fellow contestant Kashish Kapoor had already confronted Avinash and called him a “womaniser” on national television. She herself echoed the sentiment, accusing Avinash of tarnishing her daughter’s image.
Avinash’s Apology and Defense
Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Avinash apologized for any hurt caused by his remarks. However, he firmly rejected the label of “womaniser” and argued that Bhawna’s accusations were too harsh. He maintained, “I did not intend to disrespect Chaahat.”
Bhawna, however, made it clear that the matter wouldn’t end there, stating, “There’s a court outside, and people are watching.”
Avinash Fears Legal Trouble
After the confrontation, Avinash discussed the incident with the other housemates. Clearly unsettled, he joked, “Once I step outside, I’ll end up caught in legal trouble in court.”
Avinash admitted that he does not have connections to lawyers and humorously asked Karan Veer Mehra to represent him if the situation escalates legally.
Housemates React
The confrontation has stirred conversations among the contestants. While some sympathized with Avinash, others felt that the allegations were a natural consequence of his behavior in the house. The incident has further strained the dynamics in the Bigg Boss 18 house, creating more drama as the show progresses.
What’s Next for Avinash?
With accusations looming and public scrutiny growing, it remains to be seen how Avinash will navigate the situation once he exits the house. For now, the confrontation has become a pivotal moment in the season, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the next developments.