Kangana Ranaut, known for her bold and outspoken personality, recently appeared on the set of Bigg Boss 18 to promote her much-anticipated directorial debut, Emergency. Scheduled for release on January 17, 2025, the biographical political drama chronicles a critical period in India’s history—the 21-month-long Emergency declared by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi between 1975 and 1977. Kangana, who portrays Indira Gandhi in the film, shared her thoughts on the contestants of the show during her visit.
In a now-viral video shared on social media, Kangana was seen interacting with reporters after her visit to the Bigg Boss 18 house. When asked about the “Emergency task” inside the house, she replied with her trademark wit, “Bade naatak kiye in logon ne. Bade utpaat machaaye.” She further added, “Maine andar jaa kar dictatorship dikhaayi hai,” implying she brought her commanding energy to the show.
Her comment sparked a wave of laughter and speculation among fans about what exactly transpired during her interaction with the housemates.
Emergency, which marks Kangana’s solo directorial debut, dives deep into the political and social upheaval of India during the Emergency era. The actress not only steps into the shoes of Indira Gandhi but also helms the film as its director. The movie is expected to showcase critical historical events and their impact on India’s political landscape.
In previous interviews, Kangana has expressed her commitment to bringing the intricacies of Indira Gandhi’s personality and leadership to life, ensuring that the film strikes a balance between history and cinematic storytelling.
Kangana’s appearance on Bigg Boss 18 is part of a larger promotional campaign for Emergency. The show, hosted by Salman Khan, is known for its massive reach and popularity, making it a strategic platform for movie promotions. Her visit not only created buzz for her film but also added an element of drama and intrigue to the reality show.
Fans of the actress and the show have taken to social media to share their excitement over Kangana’s Bigg Boss stint. Many are curious about how her commanding presence might have influenced the dynamics inside the house. With her comment about showcasing “dictatorship,” audiences are eager to see if her appearance will be aired as a part of an upcoming episode.
As Kangana Ranaut gears up for the release of Emergency, her promotional strategies, including engaging with Bigg Boss contestants, are helping build anticipation for the film. Known for her fearless approach both on and off-screen, Kangana continues to make waves in the entertainment industry. Fans now eagerly await both her movie’s release and her memorable moments from the Bigg Boss 18 house.
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