A tragic incident unfolded in Selaiyur, Tambaram, as an 18-year-old college student, Chandran Sathosh, died after allegedly being administered an injection at a private pharmacy. The incident has sparked widespread protests by students and locals demanding justice and stricter regulation of private medical establishments.
Incident Details
Chandran Sathosh, a first-year student from a private college in Santhosapuram, reportedly visited Sri Raghavendra Medicals in Ramakrishnapuram on Wednesday after complaining of health issues. He was administered an injection by the pharmacy, following which his condition deteriorated. He succumbed on Friday evening, triggering public outrage.
Police Investigation
Authorities have registered a case and are conducting an investigation into the matter. Sathosh’s body was taken for a post-mortem examination to determine the exact cause of death.
Protests and Public Outrage
Following the incident, students and locals gathered outside Sri Raghavendra Medicals, demanding immediate action against the pharmacy owner. Protesters alleged that the shop was operating without proper authorization and accused the owner of negligence.
Protesters vandalized the pharmacy in their anger, emphasizing the need for stricter oversight of private medical establishments.
A protester remarked:
“We demand strict action against the medical shop owner. This is not the first time such an incident has occurred. The government must regulate private medical shops to ensure proper protocols are followed.”
Calls for Government Intervention
The incident has reignited concerns over unregulated private pharmacies operating without appropriate licenses or qualified personnel. Protesters urged the government to:
- Conduct regular inspections of private medical establishments.
- Enforce stringent licensing protocols.
- Ensure only qualified medical professionals are allowed to administer treatments.
This tragic loss of a young life highlights the critical need for accountability in the healthcare sector, especially in privately-run establishments. Authorities must act swiftly to address negligence and prevent similar incidents in the future, providing justice for Sathosh and his grieving family.
Further updates are awaited as the investigation continues.