A bakery in Tamil Nadu has paid a remarkable tribute to the late industrialist Ratan Tata, showcasing his love for animals with a unique edible sculpture. Aishwaryaa’s Bakeries, known for creating life-size edible sculptures of renowned personalities every Christmas, chose Ratan Tata and his dog Tito as this year’s theme.
Ratan Tata, the former chairperson of the Tata Group, passed away on October 9, 2024, at the age of 86. Apart from his monumental contributions to Indian industry, Tata was celebrated for his compassion towards animals, particularly his pets. This tribute from Aishwaryaa’s Bakeries highlights the depth of his love for his canine companions, a German Shepherd named Tito and a stray dog named Goa, both of whom attended his funeral.
The Edible Sculpture
The stunning ice cake statue, approximately seven feet tall, depicts Ratan Tata dressed in a blue shirt and grey trousers, shaking hands with his pet dog Tito, who is holding a ball in his mouth. The statue was crafted from 60 kilograms of sugar and 250 eggs and is encased in glass for display outside the bakery. The intricate details honor Tata’s bond with Tito and his lifelong dedication to animal welfare.
The sculpture has become a popular attraction, with visitors, including school students, flocking to the bakery to take photos. The statue will remain on display throughout the Christmas season.
Social Media Buzz
A video showcasing the edible masterpiece has gone viral, capturing over 1.4 lakh views and 80,000 likes on Instagram. Viewers have lauded the bakery’s efforts, with one commenter calling it a “nice tribute,” though some noted the dog’s expression appeared slightly exaggerated.
The caption accompanying the viral video highlights Tata’s affection for his pets, stating, “Ratan Tata, who passed away in October 2024, was known for his deep affection for pets, including ensuring lifetime care for his dog, Tito.”
A Legacy of Compassion
Ratan Tata’s love for animals was well-known. He adopted his stray dog, Goa, during a trip to the coastal city, naming the pet after the place. In one memorable instance, Tata canceled a scheduled meeting with King Charles III at Buckingham Palace to attend to his sick dog.
The tribute from Aishwaryaa’s Bakeries is not only a celebration of Tata’s iconic status but also a heartfelt nod to his enduring compassion for animals.
This artistic endeavor underscores the profound impact Ratan Tata has left on people, transcending his business acumen to inspire love and empathy for all living beings. The life-size cake is not just a Christmas attraction—it’s a symbol of the timeless values Ratan Tata embodied.