The ongoing tensions at Samsung’s manufacturing unit in Tamil Nadu have escalated further as employees announced a breakfast skipping protest on Wednesday. The protest comes in response to the management’s alleged retaliatory actions following a strike by workers in September 2024.
On Monday night at around 8 PM, a worker named Sudhakar reportedly attempted suicide by consuming a large number of pills. According to CITU-affiliated Samsung India Workers’ Union President E Muthukumar, Sudhakar was under immense pressure from the management to join the management-backed workers’ committee. He was also allegedly threatened with a transfer to a different department within the plant.
Muthukumar stated that Sudhakar cited harassment and retaliation from the management as the reasons for his drastic step. Although Sudhakar was admitted to the hospital, union office bearers were reportedly denied access to assist or meet the affected worker.
Workers allege that despite an agreement to end the September strike, the management has continued to implement retaliatory measures against employees who participated in the protest. Key allegations include:
Muthukumar criticized the management for creating an unpeaceful work environment despite employees returning to work in good faith.
The breakfast skipping protest scheduled for Wednesday is intended as a symbolic protest to highlight the workers’ grievances. Muthukumar warned that if the management fails to address the workers’ demands during the tripartite meeting at the Labour Commissioner’s office, the union will escalate the protest, which could include a strike.
The workers also pointed out the government’s failure to act on the Madras High Court’s directive to register the union within six weeks. Despite the court order, the state labour department has allegedly not taken any meaningful steps toward fulfilling this requirement.
Employees at the Samsung factory began an indefinite strike on September 9, 2024, to press for a series of demands, including:
The strike was called off after an agreement between the workers, the management, and labor authorities. However, the workers now allege that the management has not honored its commitments and has instead resorted to retaliatory tactics.
The union remains firm on its demands, with Muthukumar stating that the workers will escalate their protests if the management does not respond positively. This includes the possibility of resuming the strike to secure their rights.
The situation at Samsung Tamil Nadu plant highlights the growing tensions between workers and management over working conditions, union rights, and harassment allegations. With employees resorting to symbolic protests and considering stronger actions, it is imperative for the management, labor authorities, and the government to intervene and resolve the conflict promptly.
The tripartite meeting at the Labour Commissioner’s office will play a crucial role in determining the next course of action. Addressing the workers’ grievances while ensuring a peaceful work environment is vital to restoring stability at the plant.
1. Why are Samsung workers protesting in Tamil Nadu?
Workers are protesting against alleged retaliatory actions by the management following their September strike. They are also demanding the official registration of their union.
2. What led to Sudhakar’s suicide attempt?
Sudhakar allegedly faced harassment and pressure from the management to join the management-backed committee. He also received threats of transfer, which pushed him to take drastic action.
3. What are the key demands of the workers?
The workers demand an end to harassment, fair pay structures, improved working conditions, and the registration of the union affiliated with CITU.
4. What happened during the September strike?
Workers went on an indefinite strike on September 9, 2024, demanding improved pay and conditions. The strike ended after an agreement was reached, which the workers now allege is being dishonored.
5. What will happen if the management does not address the demands?
If the demands are not met during the tripartite meeting, workers plan to escalate their protests, potentially leading to a strike.
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