The iconic Karate Kid franchise is making a grand return with Karate Kid: Legends, uniting Jackie Chan, Ralph Macchio, and introducing Ben Wang as the newest “Kid” in the saga. Directed by Jonathan Entwistle, the movie is set to connect the worlds of the 2010 reboot and the original franchise, forming what fans now call the Miyagi-verse. In an exclusive conversation with Entertainment Weekly, Wang and Entwistle share insights into the movie’s plot, casting process, and what fans can expect from this much-anticipated installment.
1. From Humble Beginnings to “Legends” – Ben Wang’s Journey
A Lifelong Connection to Karate Kid
Ben Wang’s journey to the role of Li Fong started long before Karate Kid: Legends. Growing up watching Jackie Chan movies and connecting deeply with the 2010 reboot featuring Jaden Smith, Wang shares:
“That whole movie takes place in Beijing, and I’d just come back from living there for a year. Jackie Chan was the first actor I knew growing up. It was all my favorite things in one place.”
Despite having prior martial arts experience through after-school Taekwondo classes and starring in Disney+’s American Born Chinese, Wang never assumed he’d land the role. Surprisingly, he beat out 10,000 hopefuls from around the world to become the Karate Kid.
The Audition That Stood Out
Interestingly, Wang filmed his audition tape in rural China while visiting his mother. Director Jonathan Entwistle recalls the moment they discovered Wang:
“We were like, ‘Wow, this kid is in rural China!’ But then we found out he’s from Minnesota. He could act, speak Mandarin fluently, and had martial arts skills — the perfect combination.”
2. Plot Overview: Bringing the Miyagi-verse Together
Karate Kid: Legends follows Li Fong, a teenager who moves from Beijing to New York City with his mother, played by Ming-Na Wen. Li struggles to fit in at school and avoids fights until a new friend needs his help. Forced to enter a karate competition, Li’s skills alone aren’t enough.
In a major twist, Jackie Chan’s Mr. Han (from the 2010 reboot) seeks guidance from Ralph Macchio’s Daniel LaRusso (the original Karate Kid). Together, they help Li merge their distinct fighting styles, leading to the ultimate martial arts showdown.
3. How Mr. Han and Daniel LaRusso Connect
The Connection Between Miyagi and Han
Director Jonathan Entwistle teases how the two senseis connect:
“Mr. Han and Mr. Miyagi are the connection to Daniel. The Han family and the Miyagi family go way back to the old times. There’s a mention of this within the Karate Kid canon for those who want to look for it.”
This revelation cements Karate Kid: Legends as part of the unified Miyagi-verse, combining the lore of both the original films and the 2010 reboot.
4. Jackie Chan: The Mentor On and Off Screen
Jackie Chan’s Magical Presence
Jackie Chan is known for his incredible stunt work and on-set creativity. Entwistle describes him as:
“Like the magical Dumbledore on set. He’d come up with tiny ideas — ‘I’ll roll over this table,’ or ‘I’ll jump from here’ — and they were always amazing. You don’t say no to Jackie.”
One memorable moment involved Chan spontaneously jumping out from a random corner during a fight scene, surprising even the cast and crew.
5. Filming in New York City: A Character of Its Own
The movie takes full advantage of its New York City setting, incorporating iconic locations like the subway and Manhattan skyline into action sequences. Entwistle highlights the importance of NYC in the story:
“We wanted the city to interact with Li’s journey — the fish-out-of-water experience in classic Karate Kid fashion.”
6. Ben Wang’s Preparation: From Taekwondo to Intense Training
While Wang had basic martial arts training, Karate Kid: Legends required next-level skills. Wang worked with stunt coordinators Larry Lam and Peng Zhang for over 1.5 months, training five days a week and practicing independently on weekends.
“The majority of what you see in the movie is what I trained for. It was nonstop, but so rewarding,” Wang recalls.
7. Tying into Cobra Kai: A Unified Universe
Karate Kid: Legends takes place after the events of Cobra Kai’s series finale. Entwistle worked closely with the Cobra Kai creators to ensure continuity and connection:
“I’m a huge fan of Cobra Kai. Ralph [Macchio] brought so much to the movie, and we wanted it to feel holistic, like another piece of the overall universe.”
This collaboration ensures that fans of Cobra Kai will see familiar themes and hints tying the series and movie together.
8. Most Challenging Scenes: When Winter Feels Like Summer
Wang jokingly admits that the hardest part of filming wasn’t the fight scenes but enduring freezing New York weather while pretending it was summer.
“You’re in a T-shirt, freezing, and Jonathan goes, ‘Right! Do it again!’ Then after 17 takes, he says, ‘We’ll just use the first one.’”
9. The Legacy of Karate Kid
Karate Kid: Legends pays homage to the franchise’s legacy while introducing a fresh perspective. The movie captures the essence of overcoming adversity, finding mentorship, and discovering one’s strength — timeless themes that have defined the series.
Conclusion: What to Expect from Karate Kid Legends
Karate Kid: Legends promises to be a thrilling blend of nostalgia and innovation. With Ben Wang leading as Li Fong, Jackie Chan returning as Mr. Han, and Ralph Macchio reprising Daniel LaRusso, fans can expect action-packed sequences, emotional depth, and the ultimate martial arts showdown.
This film not only celebrates the enduring legacy of Karate Kid but also expands the Miyagi-verse for a new generation of fans.
1. Who is the new Karate Kid in Karate Kid Legends?
Ben Wang plays Li Fong, a teenager who moves from Beijing to New York.
2. How are Mr. Han and Daniel LaRusso connected?
Mr. Han and Mr. Miyagi’s families share a historical connection, tying both characters into the same universe.
3. Does Karate Kid: Legends connect to Cobra Kai?
Yes, the movie takes place after the events of Cobra Kai’s series finale and shares continuity with the show.
4. When is Karate Kid Legends releasing?
The release date is yet to be officially announced, but anticipation is already high.
5. What makes this movie different from previous Karate Kid films?
It merges the worlds of the original Karate Kid and the 2010 reboot, creating a unified Miyagi-verse while introducing new characters and storylines.