The Bengaluru Police on Sunday arrested Nikita Singhania, the estranged wife of deceased techie Atul Subhash , along with her mother, Nisha Singhania, and brother, Anurag Singhania, on charges of abetment to suicide. The arrests are a significant development in the case that has garnered nationwide attention.
Arrests and Legal Proceedings
Shivakumar, DCP of White Field Division, confirmed the arrests:
- Atul Subhash wife Nikita Singhania was detained in Gurgaon, Haryana.
- Nisha and Anurag Singhania were apprehended from Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.
The accused have been remanded to 14-day judicial custody following their appearance in court. Authorities have also stated that Sushil Singhania, another relative, is under investigation, and efforts are ongoing to locate him.
Forensic and Cyber Investigations
The police have sought help from Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) experts and the cybercrime team to examine:
- The death note left by Subhash Atul.
- A video message he recorded.
- Data from his electronic devices.
These analyses aim to uncover evidence of the alleged harassment that led to the techie’s tragic demise.
Family’s Concerns Over Grandson’s Safety
The case has taken a dramatic turn as Subhash Atul’s father, Pawan Kumar Modi, has voiced concerns over the whereabouts of his grandson.
- “We don’t know where she [Nikita] has kept our grandson. Has he been killed, or is he alive? We don’t know anything about him,” he said in an emotional appeal.
- He urged political leaders, including PM Modi, UP CM Yogi Adityanath, Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, and Tejashwi Yadav, to intervene and ensure the child’s safe return.
- Modi also accused the legal system of corruption, expressing frustration over a new case filed against him.
- “For a grandfather, his grandson means more than his son,” he added, emphasizing the emotional toll on the family.
Anticipatory Bail Applications
Reports indicate that Nikita Singhania and her family filed anticipatory bail applications in the Allahabad High Court on Saturday. This followed a summons issued by the Bengaluru Police, which required Nikita to appear within three days.
Background of the Case
Subhash Atul, a 34-year-old Bengaluru-based software engineer , reportedly died by suicide on Monday. Allegations of harassment Atul Subhash wife and her family have been cited as the reason.
Key Allegations
- Subhash left behind a video message and a death note reportedly implicating Nikita and her family.
- The techie’s tragic death has sparked widespread public outrage and led to the filing of a case under abetment to suicide against the accused.
Public Outcry and Support for the Family
The case has resonated across India, with calls for justice amplifying on social media. Many have expressed solidarity with Subhash Atul’s family, particularly in their quest to locate and reunite with his son.
As the investigation progresses, the spotlight remains on:
- Recovering key evidence from forensic and cyber analysis.
- Tracing the whereabouts of Subhash Atul’s son.
- Ensuring a fair trial to bring justice to the grieving family.
The Bengaluru techie’s tragic death highlights the importance of addressing mental health and the devastating impact of domestic disputes.