In an unusual yet thought-provoking competition held in China, a woman won 10,000 yuan (approximately ₹1.16 lakh) for displaying the lowest levels of anxiety during an 8-hour digital detox.
Participants had to remain in bed for eight consecutive hours without using their phones, a challenge aimed at evaluating their ability to disconnect from digital devices. While bathroom breaks were allowed, strict rules prohibited any phone usage. Falling asleep was also disallowed, making the challenge even more demanding.
The winner stood out by remaining calm and composed, showing minimal anxiety or restlessness throughout the phone-free period. Her ability to stay relaxed highlighted the benefits of a digital detox, especially at a time when smartphone dependency has become a growing concern.
This competition has sparked discussions about the impact of excessive screen time on mental health. It underscores the need for individuals to take regular breaks from digital devices to:
As technology continues to dominate our daily lives, such initiatives shed light on the importance of digital well-being. This event serves as a reminder for individuals to prioritize mental health, find balance, and embrace screen-free moments for better overall wellness.
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