Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, the latest installment in the successful horror-comedy franchise starring Kartik Aaryan and Vidya Balan, has been a massive hit at the global box office. Since its theatrical release on November 1, 2024, the film has grossed a staggering ₹421.02 crore worldwide while continuing to run in select theatres despite competition from blockbusters like Pushpa 2: The Rule.
The film has outperformed expectations with its perfect mix of horror and comedy, resonating with audiences of all age groups.
Fans who missed the film in theatres or want to relive the thrills can stream Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 on Netflix starting January 2025.
The film was initially expected to premiere on OTT in December 2024, but the release was pushed to January, creating heightened anticipation among viewers.
With its OTT debut set for January 2025 on Netflix, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 is all set to reach a wider audience. Whether you’re a fan of Kartik Aaryan’s charm or Vidya Balan’s stellar performance, this horror-comedy promises a perfect mix of scares and laughs. Stay tuned for the official release date and get ready to stream this blockbuster soon!
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