Matka, a pan-Indian crime drama starring Mega Prince Varun Tej, has made its OTT debut on Amazon Prime Video, just two weeks after its theatrical release. Directed by Karuna Kumar, the film hit cinemas on November 14, 2024, but failed to resonate with audiences, receiving a lukewarm response at the box office. However, its arrival on streaming platforms offers a second chance for audiences to explore this crime thriller from the comfort of their homes.
Matka’s journey from theaters to Amazon Prime Video is a testament to the evolving dynamics of the Indian film industry. While it struggled to make a mark in cinemas, its availability on OTT offers a second chance for audiences to engage with its narrative.
For fans of crime dramas or Varun Tej’s work, Matka is worth exploring. Stream it now on Amazon Prime Video and decide for yourself how it fares as a pan-Indian venture.
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