In a shocking turn of events, actress Nayanthara has publicly accused actor-producer Dhanush of obstructing the release of an upcoming Netflix documentary. In an open letter shared on Twitter, Nayanthara slammed Dhanush for allegedly sending a legal notice demanding ₹10 crores in damages over the usage of behind-the-scenes (BTS) clips from their 2015 film, Naanum Rowdy Dhaan. The dispute has created waves in the Tamil film industry, with fans and insiders alike debating the fallout between the two popular stars.
The conflict began when Dhanush reportedly refused to allow the use of clips and songs from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in the Netflix documentary. According to Nayanthara, the legal notice, which was sent after the release of the documentary’s trailer, objected to a mere three seconds of BTS footage taken on personal devices. The footage in question is already available on social media, making the demand particularly contentious.
In his legal notice, Dhanush is said to have claimed that the usage of these visuals without permission constituted a breach of copyright, and he demanded a hefty sum of ₹10 crores as damages.
In her fiery response, Nayanthara took to Twitter to address the legal notice, expressing disappointment over Dhanush’s actions. She accused him of hypocrisy and claimed that his behavior did not align with the public persona he projects at film events.
Here’s an excerpt from her letter:
“What’s even more shocking is your legal notice after the release of the trailer of the Netflix Documentary. We were startled to read those lines wherein you questioned the usage of some videos (just 3 seconds) which were shot on our personal devices and that too BTS visuals that are already very much publicly present on social media and claimed a sum of Rs.10 crores as damages for the mere 3 seconds. This is an all-time low from you and speaks so much about your character.”
She further criticized Dhanush for not practicing what he preaches at public events, stating:
“I wish you were half the person you portray to be on stage in audio launches in front of your innocent fans, but clearly you do not practice what you preach, at least not for me and my partner.”
The public fallout between Nayanthara and Dhanush has left fans divided. While many have expressed support for Nayanthara, applauding her courage to call out the issue, others are siding with Dhanush, arguing that his legal rights as a producer might justify his actions.
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